Tesla and Musk Likely Won’t Avoid Electric Aviation: Morgan Stanley


Over the years, there has been a lot of talk about Tesla eventually branching out into electric planes, as well as electric boats. Right now, the automaker is so overworked and limited in production that it can’t even market the products it announced years ago, so don’t expect Elon Musk to officially announce an electric plane from so early.

That said, it seems it would be nearly impossible for Tesla to completely avoid electric planes forever. Other companies are already working there, and some have had fairly successful flights. However, battery technology just isn’t ready to make a big impact in space. You better bet that once it gets much more viable, Tesla will likely get involved, or maybe it will be a SpaceX company. Better yet, a Tesla / SpaceX team project.

It’s no surprise to us that Morgan Stanley analysts expect Tesla and / or Musk to look to electric aviation in the future. Musk has mentioned it many times, and he talks about it often in interviews. However, to our knowledge, he has never made a truly official statement revealing that Tesla will produce electric planes.

As you can see, Musk is very interested in electric aviation. He certainly referred to electric planes on numerous occasions. He also said that eventually all forms of transportation will be electrified, with the possible exception of rockets.

Musk has made it clear that he also wants a way to make electric rockets, but that’s just not possible with current technology, and it might not be possible for a very long time. However, if the possibility could become a reality, it would be shocking if Tesla or SpaceX did not get started.

Watch the related video below. Then head over to our comments section and let us know what you think about the future of Tesla Aviation.


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