Tesla Increases the Scope of Model 3 with a Software Update


As promised at the launch of Base Model 3, Tesla has begun offering a new software update that extends Model 15's reach of 15 miles.

When Tesla launched Model 3 at $ 35,000 last month, the automaker surprised many people by announcing that it would increase the reach of all existing long-range 3 model vehicles delivered to date.

CEO Elon Musk said at the time:

"We have also been successful in ensuring that existing customers have great ideas. Tesla is as much a software publisher as a computer hardware manufacturer and thanks to firmware we have been able to improve the range of the 310 to 325 km long-range rear-wheel drive car. This will affect all customers, including those who were all long-range cars delivered to date and new cars. As a result, existing customers and new customers will benefit from an increase in distance of 15 miles from 310 to 325. "

Now, Tesla has started upgrading its fleet with this new firmware update 2019.5.15.

Some long range 3 model owners have started reporting the top range on a full load (via u / OompaOrangeFace on Reddit):

<img data-attachment-id = "87059" data-permalink = "https://electrek.co/2019/03/13/tesla-model-3-range-increase-software-update/chodsymcatqgseduloc3nj4p5xer6hvq0ymrfx3anni/" data-orig -file = "https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png" data-orig-size = "960,299" data-comments-opened = "1" data- Image-meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" ", "focal_length": "0", "iso": "0", "shutter_speed": "0", "title": "", "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Tesla Range Model 3 "data-image-description =" "data-medium-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?w=300 "data-large -file = "https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?w=960" title = "Tesla increases the scope of model 3 with the update software "class =" full-size wp-image-87059 aligncenter jetpack-la zy-image "src =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png "alt =" Tesla Series Model 3″ width=”960″ height=”299″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png 960w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?resize=150,47 150w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?resize=300,93 300w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?resize=768,239 768w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?resize=350,109 350w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px” data-lazy-src=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/03/ChoDSYmCatqGSeDULOC3Nj4p5XeR6Hvq0ymRfx3ANnI.png?is-pending-load=1″ srcset=”″/>

Musk says Tesla has found a new efficiency in the engine, the inverters, and they feel more comfortable now.

"We have found solutions over time and we have done it many times in the past, we have been able to improve the efficiency of the drive or the motor, or we are a little more in the past. comfortable with the amount of energy you can safely extract from the battery. pack without causing harm in the long run. "

Tesla also announced an increase of about 5% in the maximum power output of the Model 3 Performance.

Electrek's Take

It would be more impressive if we did not know how Tesla had played in the past with its announced lineup numbers for Model 3.

We previously explained how Tesla played with EPA ratings to announce all versions of Model 3 with a 310 mile range.

Tesla was already able to announce the Long Range Model 3 range at 325 miles, but she chose not to – presumably to be able to not announce that the range of the cheapest version is longer than the longer version. expensive dual engine and performance versions.

Therefore, I am skeptical that Tesla finds more efficiency or simply decides to announce the highest range on the RWD Model 3 long-range now that they sell even cheaper versions.

I would like to be wrong though.


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