Tesla survey shows participation rate for full self-drive package is surprisingly low


A large survey of Tesla owners probably gives us the best idea of ​​the participation rate for the Full Self-Driving package.

This is an important metric for Tesla, and it is surprisingly small. Where is it?

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) package has been controversial for several reasons. The main reason is that it doesn’t actually make your vehicle fully autonomous.

This comes with the promise that in the future Tesla will release a software update that will enable full autonomous driving capability.

In the meantime, the value of the package is limited to some features Tesla brought from its previous Enhanced Autopilot package:

  1. Navigate on autopilot
  2. Automatic lane change
  3. Automatic parking
  4. Convene

Still, Tesla raised the price of the FSD package to $ 10,000 in the United States.

The automaker has also indicated that the price of the bundle will increase as it releases more features towards full autonomous driving capability.

The take-up rate, the percentage of buyers who order the package, is good proof of confidence in Tesla’s ability to deliver on that promise.

This is also extremely important for Tesla’s finances, as all the hardware is already included in all vehicles, whether or not they order from FSD, and therefore, every time one of them purchases the package, Tesla gets a much higher margin on the vehicle.

Today, a survey of more than 17,000 Tesla buyers shows that the rate of full Tesla self-driving use worldwide is only around 11% (via TroyTeslike):

The big changes are in fact easily explained. The significant increase in 2019 came when Tesla moved the Enhanced Autopilot features into the Full Self-Driving package.

As for the significant reduction, it came as Tesla increased the price of the package.

In addition, increased sales in China and Europe could be taken into account, as FSD functionality is less useful and true autonomous driving capability is more advanced in these markets than in the United States.

Unsurprisingly, the participation rate for the S and X models is much higher than for the cheaper 3 and Y models:

The data stops in July 2021 before Tesla introduces a monthly subscription for its Full Self-Driving plan.

This should help with the take rate, but the real difference maker will be the larger version of its FSD Beta software.

This has been delayed several times, but CEO Elon Musk recently said it should happen in about a month.

In the United States, this is expected to significantly accelerate the take rate of Tesla’s FSD package.

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