Tesla to employees: if you run away, we will catch you, we will fire you, and we may sue you


Tesla employees today received an e-mail stating dismissals, charges and lawsuits as potential consequences of the disclosure of vehicle manufacturer information. press, reported CNBC. The email, sent by Tesla's security team, lists recent actions taken by the company against employees who have fled.

A former employee had "leaked confidential business information from the Tesla domain to his personal account and threatened to disclose confidential information about the company," according to the email. Tesla filed a complaint against this person, according to the email. He also listed two lawsuits against former employees involving intellectual property and "the theft of confidential information and trade secrets".

This is the last attempt in Silicon Valley to try to dispel the leaks – and the latest in the press. Google sent a similar email in 2016, describing how the company was looking for leaks internally. In April 2018, an email from Apple disclosed that 12 employees had been arrested for disclosing information about the company's projects. In 2018, after Buzzfeed released an internal memo from a Facebook leader, Facebook employees had blasted leaks on their internal forums:? "

The secret is an important part of the Silicon Valley culture, where so-called "mousetraps" – USB drives containing sensitive data – are sometimes left out to see if employees will behave, according to a report of The Guardian last year.

Tesla is a hectic business – and recently, a lot has happened. The company is trying to raise more capital. CEO Elon Musk also offered Tesla investors a driverless future, touting the development of the company's hardware. At the same time, a Nikkei report suggested tensions between Tesla and its main battery supplier, Panasonic. And Trump's commercial tariffs could pose problems for the future of autopilot in China.

Today's email is focused on media leaks, as well as information leaks to competitors. But it would not be Tesla if someone did not experience any problems using Twitter – in this case, an employee who was fired "for sharing confidential business information on Twitter, including production numbers, with journalists ".


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