Tesla vehicles "now appreciate the benefits" because of their ability to drive independently, says Elon Musk


Elon Musk made a pretty important statement about Tesla vehicles today; The CEO said Tesla's vehicles "now appreciate the assets" because of their ability to drive independently.

With a few rare exceptions, cars depreciate most of their assets.

Apart from a few supercars and rare models, passenger cars are losing their value quite quickly, but Musk now claims that this is not the case for Tesla vehicles.

He said during a podcast (embedded below) today:

"Buying a car today is an investment in the future. The most profound thing is that if you buy a Tesla today, I think you're buying an asset that appreciates – not a depreciating asset. "

Musk spoke of the fact that the new Tesla vehicles are now built with a new Full Self-Driving computer which, in his opinion, complements the Tesla hardware suite needed to allow full autonomous driving in future software upgrades.

He said:

"Cars in production, with equipment being produced, are capable of driving independently."

Although Tesla is selling this optional system in his vehicles for $ 5,000 now (since the option has changed yesterday), he believes that the value will be greater and that Tesla's vehicles will actually win over time.

Musk made the comment at an artificial intelligence podcast with Lex Fridman:

Electrek's Take

Elon has made many incredible claims over the years and we get used to them a bit, but this one always surprises me for some reason.

It's not quite out of the ordinary because some cars in the past have actually gained value, but we can not compare these cars to what Elon says here.

These cars have gained value because of scarcity. Tesla plans to manufacture millions of these vehicles. Scarcity will not be a factor here.

I guess he believes the software upgrades will increase the value beyond the current $ 5,000 Tesla requested for the EHR package.

That would be surprising to me.

The only way for me not to depreciate Tesla vehicles is to turn them into revenue-generating assets, as it might be the case for Tesla Network, which is supposed to be Tesla's stand-alone service.

I suppose that's not impossible, but it would be a considerable reversal from Tesla's current depreciation, which has accelerated recently due to Tesla's constant price changes.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.

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