Texas Pardon Council votes unanimously to recommend George Floyd’s posthumous pardon


A pardon petition was filed in April on behalf of Floyd and his surviving family. In the request, Allison Mathis of the Harris County Public Defender’s Office said the request was made because the arresting officer in the Floyd case, Gerald Goines, “fabricated the existence confidential informants to strengthen its prosecution of innocent defendants “.
“We mourn the loss of former Houstonian George Floyd and hope his family will find solace in Monday’s decision by the Texas State Board of Pardons and Lyrics to recommend clemency for a 2004 conviction involving the former Department of Justice officer. Houston Police Gerald Goines, “Kim Ogg, the Harris County District Attorney, said in a statement.

The final decision to grant Floyd clemency rests with Gov. Greg Abbott, Ogg said. CNN has contacted the governor’s office to find out if a pardon will be granted.

Goines arrested Floyd on February 5, 2004, alleging at the time that Floyd possessed crack “and that Floyd had supplied the drugs to an unnamed” second suspect “who had agreed to sell the drugs to the undercover Goines. The” second suspect “was not arrested, noted Goines in his offense report,” in a [sic] attempt to promote drug trafficking [sic] in this area.”

Texas authorities move forward with posthumous pardon of George Floyd

Goines’ attorney Nicole DeBorde told CNN in April: “We are upholding the original case. We certainly sympathize with Mr Floyd’s cause, but that doesn’t change the fact that his former conviction was legitimate. . “

In 2019, Goines was embroiled in a high-profile case known as the Harding Street murders, in which he obtained a warrant for a “smooth” raid from a city judge under false pretenses, Ogg told CNN. The raid left two dead and five police officers injured.

Goines, a 35-year law enforcement veteran, has been charged with two counts of murder and tampering with a government record, Ogg said.

DeBorde, Goines’ attorney, told CNN that his client pleaded not guilty to all counts.

CNN’s Jennifer Henderson contributed to this report.


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