Texas parents suing school officials who allegedly used Sharpie to cover his son's new haircut


According to a lawsuit filed on Sunday, officials at Berry Miller Junior High School in Pearland, Texas, said that the design in the boy's seventh year haircut violated the Pearland Independent School District's dress code.

The lawsuit alleges: "They laughed for several minutes to color J.T's 13-year-old scalp, which took several days of cleansing to peel off."

The complaint indicates that Juelz Trice had a discolored haircut on April 16 and that the next day, while he was in the cafeteria for breakfast, a deputy director told him to go to the office .

The civil rights lawsuit includes Tony Principal (then Deputy Director) (since then promoted to Director), Discipline Clerk Helen Day and Teacher Jeanette Peterson as Defendants, and School District.

CNN contacted the named individuals in the lawsuit and has not yet had an immediate response.

The boy, who is African-American, would have received two options from the two administrators.

He could use a black Sharpie to color his scalp, indicate the trial, or go to school suspension. Juelz did not want a suspension affecting the eligibility of his track team, so he chose the permanent marker option, the trial says.

The black Sharpie put the design line in Juelz's hair more prominently, according to the complaint.

Day took Juelz's marker and began to blacken Juelz's scalp, according to the court's document. Peterson – who, like the administrators, is identified as being white in the court document – walked into the office and was asked to use the marker on the boy's scalp and did so, according to the lawsuit.

A prosecutor says the school district has done nothing but change the policy

Randall Kallinen, attorney for the student's parents, Dante Trice and Angela Washington, said Tuesday that the school had never tried to warn the family before coloring their scalp's hair. son.

The discipline clerk should have known better how to discipline children, he said.

The lawyer says that, aside from changing the dress code, the school district did nothing to try to remedy the situation.

The current dress code says hair:

• Must be clean, neat and well cared for

• Distracting colors are not allowed.

• Mustaches, beards and daubs are not allowed.

• The favorites must be carefully cut and must not exceed the level of the ears.

• Headgear such as hats, caps, bandannas or curlers are not allowed. (An exception will be made for religious headgear)

The district said at the announcement of changes in May that restrictions on hairstyles and sculptures had been removed

The district says that he has not seen any lawsuit

Pearland DSI stated that it did not receive an official prosecution notification.

"Upon receipt, our legal counsel will review it," school district attorney Tanya Dawson said in a statement.

The lawsuit, filed in the South Texas District, seeks compensatory and punitive damages and asks the court to order District School employees to receive racially sensitive training on certain haircuts.

Juelz started eighth grade at school last week. Kallinen said he is appalled in Barcelona, ​​Day and Peterson are still in school.

Sheena Jones of CNN contributed to this report.


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