Texas Taco editor believes burritos should be considered tacos


A close-up of food: José R. Ralat, publisher of tacos, thinks that burritos should be considered tacos.

© Facebook / Chipotle
José R. Ralat, publisher of tacos, thinks that burritos should be considered tacos.

When the news hit that Texas Monthly José R. Ralat, culinary editor, was the editor of Taco. We panicked. We cook, eat and write about food all day and we consider ourselves lucky. But a whole career focused on eating tacos ?! This is the next level.

As we have already mentioned, José seems extremely qualified for the job. He ran the blog Trail of tacos for years, and co-founder of Taco Libre, the annual taco and music festival in Dallas. But, in an interview with New Yorker, the most envied publisher in America made a bold and controversial statement that made us think: He thinks that burritos should be considered tacos.

According to José, this is not a new opinion, it is not a subject discussed. He claims that two books, Los Tacos de México and The Tacopedia, support his idea. They explain that, indeed, the burritos are big folded tortillas, but they remain tacos. "I do not understand why you would like to eat something so big in one sitting. It makes no sense to me. But it makes sense to me that they count as tacos. "

Regardless of his skepticism, or what you believe to be a "taco", José will be covering burritos … as well as dishes like Mexican pizza and Mexican burgers, which make him a bit scared. Do not worry. In the interview, he does not try to say that they are also tacos.


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