18,632 people were dismissed by the Turkish army.


Agencies / AP – Turkey's emergency declaration issued on Sunday (8 C) announced the release of 18,632 government officials, including military police and academics, suspected of security risks prior to transport presidential air to start working on the new mandate.

German media reported today (8 July) that of the total number of deaths Sunday (8), including 9,000 Turkish policemen and 6,000 Turkish soldiers, they were high t Similarly, the passports.

by AP said. The total number of people leaving the government sector is about 18,632, in addition to the police and the military. It also includes teachers and academics

and found that 12 other NGOs with three engravings and a TV station were closed in the same order.

AP pointed out that Sunday (8), 148 people were also released before returning to work

The Turkish Public Emergency Order came out Sunday (8). A day before Turkish President Rejapi Gibbon will begin his new stance as the first authoritarian leader since the constitutional law was amended.

Saturday (7) in Ankara President Airdate joins the opening of the first session of the Turkish Parliament. Parliamentarians must swear under the new system.

The German media pointed out. It has been found that Turkish law has been renewed seven times since the announcement of the five days after the coup d'etat. And the current order of urgency will expire on July 19, at DW

. Abolition of the law, declaring the state of emergency that restricts certain freedoms. And allow Ankara to issue it legally without passing judgment. Parliament can be concluded as soon as possible tomorrow (9), date on which Airdor began to act

before. There are 18,000 state officials fired for the dishes. Ankara fired at least 110,000 Turkish officials and ordered tens of thousands of temporary executions under similar orders under the emergency law in force since mid-2016. [19659003InthesametimefocusedontherightsofhumanrightstheauthorofanagreementontheauthorizationofAnkarastressedthathehadanimpunityfortheEuropeanUnionandtheEuropeanCommissiontoAmnestyInternationalinApril

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