222 hours Mission to win 13 lives in the cave.


<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/news/2018/07/05/news201807050327970.jpg" alt = "222-Hour Beef Life Mission to Win 13 Lives in the Cave "data-caption =" 222 hours

This time there would be no more joy than the discovery of a group of boys There are 12 boar coaches and a coach who is taken inside the Tham Pha Luang Wildlife Preserve, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province, June 23, 61.

More than 10 days or more than 222 hours in 13 lives at the time. Inside a cave without food, drink water in a cave, dark and completely invisible

body and mind.Tell them to fight the cruelty of nature.Everyone is resting. To get water from the rock falls to life.

Finally English divers team Conquer the first mission.In the middle of the night, July 2, 61, 13 of them have survived. Pattaya Hill's goal is to find 400m

Glutinous Frozen Pork – Power Gel

The Glutinous Rice which is the food of the Sealing unit, is ready to be eaten. It was the first meal of 13 children and coaches.

After the British divers found 13 lives, the seal unit took the bag of black pork rice. Before the tape is thick. There is also Power Gel or coated high energy foods. It's the first meal of the last 10 days of 13 people.

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/1(1142).jpg" alt = "222 hours to save the boar The mission to gain 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours.

First Chiang Rai Army Mission Tilt to Phayao

Mr. Narongsak OotDanakorn Governor of Chiang Rai He was widely praised and praised by Thais throughout the country.

The news came out. It is one of the people who cares The commander is responsible for the coordination and command of the site

Believe it or not It may be a major operation or a final mission Before the move to be the governor of Phayao. [19659004OnApril2461theCabinetpassedaresolutionTheappointmentofseniorofficialsoftheMinistryoftheInteriorThereare12peopleinthemMinistryincludinggovernorsofChiangRai

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/10(205).jpg" alt = "222 hours The mission to win 13 lives in the cave" data-caption = "222 hours." The first mission to gain 13 lives in the cave.

Narongsak Osatchanakorn Governor of Chiang Rai. Monitor the situation closely. I also have another important mission on hold. to bring the 13 lives safely out of the cave.

Such a statement Mr. Narongsak Relocated to be governor of Phayao Province.

While this time still waiting for the royal court, the governor named Narongsak is also serving in Chiang Rai. This is the first page, you can not go further. Minister of the Interior Come to the migration. This is not a simple habit, and the objection to the construction of the monastery was not a waste.

Only the Ministry re wants to try to change. This is a great way to make some money. I want to go ahead. Mr. Narongsak

For the story of Mr. Narongsak graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Faculty of Law, Kasetsart University and Certificate in Real Estate and Land Law

Graduate Technology (Business Information Technology) Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and School of Business State Open University of Sukhothai Thammathirat Master of Science (Geodetic and Surveying) , Ohio Former Land Survey Consultant, Department of Lands. Former Director of the Mapping Technology Agency The National Center for Land Conversion Information

includes a highly skilled survey engineer. In the satellite navigation team Department of Technological Development Aerospace and Geoinformatics Wading Caves World Record Netizens dug and presented information on two British divers. John Richard and Richard Stanton The way social media are broad. To celebrate the honor and appreciation of the two heroes who have done so well that they can find 13 children and coaches for the poor.

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/9(212).jpg" alt = "222 hours to save the boar The mission of winning 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours [1965904]

It was revealed that Richard Stanton is the only survivor of the dive.Firefighter He is from Coventry, while John Volant is a computer technician. two are ordinary people.I like to explore in places.

They are the ones who tear the limits of humanity.A step to the death.They are also part of the team that explored the caves of Causeway in 2010 while diving in the desert.

8.8 km and spent in more than 50 hours, which is a record diving cave with Propeller props The world's longest

they also hold the deepest diving statistics in the UK at "Wookey Hole" at the 90 m level [19659027] Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat, Minister of Tourism and Sports The call to wake up and ask a diving team from England to participate in this mission.

With a lot of experience. The risk is death too. Many times, it is also the body of the diver. This is a testimony of the risk of death. It is important to find the 13 lives too.

 222 hr. The mission to win 13 lives in the cave

"Kruba Boonchum" Wat Phra That Don Ruang Come to the opening ceremony. Morale

During the period of more than 10 years, the team was able to find 13 survivors in the next 2 days

"Kruba Boonchum" The day is a very difficult time. Parents, parents or relatives of children.

In addition to the strength of the Thai people who closely monitor this issue. One of the spiritual leaders. They are also encouraged by King Rama I Wat Phra That Don Ruang, Phra That Shan, Burma, came to where he was.

Khun Kruba BoonChum did the opening ceremony. Moral

"Kruba Boonchum" said that he would meet the 13 children after the two-day ceremony, which the words said.

For the record. Wat Phra Que Don Ruang, Phra That Shan, Burma, was born on Tuesday January 5th, 2508, at 9:00 am at Mae Kham, Nong Bua, Mae Kha, Chi Mae, Chiang Rai.

Kruba Boon Chum is the son of Luang Por Curry's father and mother before the pregnant mother. You dreamed that. I went to the image of the golden yellow gold Buddha.

Your life has been troubled. But let's go back to Kruba.

During his stay with his uncle, Janta's mother-in-law is a Khmer Khmer brute forced to hit hard to work, but he did not look for it. Because you went through great suffering.

In 1974, he became a monk. At Wat Ban Mai until 1976, he was ordained young man.

He was ordained monk in 1986 and traveled to various places in northern Thailand, Burma, Nepal, India, Bhutan, etc.

Important Khun Boon Khum

The location of the residence of "Father Kruba Boon Chum" Phra Pho Cave. It is located in the city of Lampang. Tham Pha Tai National Park Another limestone cave. The beautiful stalactites and stalagmites are located near Ma Mae Kok district, Lampang province

. To the mother village The distance is about 21 km. The truth is that we now have 13 lives inside the cave. Survived safely But it is only the first step. In Search of

Governor of Chiang Rai. When the morning of July 3, 61, there remain two missions. Rescue and came back all life must come out. You must study. And life as it should be. You may have to speed up the race against time. I'm not sure if that's the case. The team has not stopped working. At this time, pumping water all the way 3-4 days, water down satisfactorily. Since July 2

Mr. Narongsak OotDanakorn The Governor of Chiang Rai has pointed out that if you go out. Do a physical exam. Before Chiang Rai Prachanukroh hospital. Book a special room for all children, 13 ambulances and a family shuttle. To go to the hospital

.If the state of the cave. Including the physical condition that the child is perfect. They were trained by the Seal team. We expect everyone to leave the cave within two days. [Cachet de la poste | Surlignage | Surlignage | Haut | Bas] The mission to win 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours.

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/4(1001).jpg" alt = "222 hours to save the boar The mission of winning 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours The first mission to gain 13 lives in the cave [/ Url]

staff and parents All dishes in the kitchen

<img src = "http: //static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/5(846).jpg "alt =" 222 hours. The mission to win 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours. The first mission to gain 13 lives in the cave.

The Thai exploration team works with foreign exploration teams.

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/6(500).jpg" alt = "Go to the top of the page The mission to win 13 lives in the cave" data-caption = "222 hours.

<img src =" http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/7(362).jpg "alt =" 222 h Rescue the wild boar . The mission to win 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours. The first mission to gain 13 lives out of the cave. [/ Url]

The officials rush to fill the air.

<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/files/images/8(254).jpg" alt = "222 hr save boar life Mission to win 13 lives in the cave "data-caption =" 222 hours The first mission to gain 13 lives in the cave

The drainage and pumping of the cave [13] js = d.createElement (if (d.getElementById ( id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (function.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js" ; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, script (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; si (d .getElementById (id) js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.8"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs );} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk")) [ad_2]
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