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July 22, 2011 Prof. Dr. Saengrut Jutta Former President of the International Association of Hematology Former President of the Thailand Hematology Association And former head of the Department of Internal Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital In the past, there has been an increase in the number of people living with HIV. The national plan for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is implemented by the NHS. Over the past 20 years, Ramathibodi Hospital has had the opportunity to attend the meeting to establish the criteria for early benefit. Some

Prof. Dr. Saengsuris said that in the past, stem cell transplants have not been included in the Gold Card benefit package. It's just a pilot project. In the first period. The NHS limited the number of treatments to around 20-30, but then expanded until the NHS pushed into a set of benefits. However, there are still limits on the number of patients admitted.

"The truth is, when it comes to all the benefits.All patients should be treated equally.But the benefits are limited to 60-70 patients a year.Personally, if the package is an advantage, so there should be no limit to the number of patients.But understand that the treatment is a high budget.The average cost is 8,000 Baht .So, I hope to the This is a great way to make sure you do not have to worry about your health.

Former President of the International Association of Hematology of Our Health. days, patients with lymphoma and leukemia have more access to treatment than in the past, but there are also problems of coverage.For example There are several types of lymphoma.And each type is divided into several types. several types associated with B-cell, which now has the drug to destroy the B cell direc and the NHS with the Social Security Bureau (SSO) approved the use of these drugs. Already But the point is applicable only to a guy. Other types of lymphoma. Many types of B cells as well.

"In hematologic cancer, found that the benefits of many diseases.Social security is better than social security.For example, patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, which were once the only way to heal marrow transplants bone, but from 2001 to 2002 found that the drug was very effective.The patient will be around 7-8 years old if the drug is comfortably up to 30 years old, but the drug in this group is quite expensive. pressure for the International Patient Assistance Program (GIPAP) and have received 400 mg, 600 mg and 800 mg gold tablets depending on the severity of the disease.It is better than the # 39; social welfare allowance of 400 mg and social insurance that has just been granted in 2012, with the drug registered in account No. 2 since 2008, with only 400 mg. " Prof. Dr. Saengsuris and it is pleasant. I've updated this indicator earlier this year. The 3 patients have the right to receive drugs in three sizes.

Prof. Dr. Saeng Suree. Another problem with stem cell transplants is finding the right donor. Because the same brothers have the same tissue (HLA), they are only 25% so they have to find donors from other sources. The blood centers of the Thai Red Cross. Finding the right donor Now the NHS only approves donors who are brothers. In the future, I hope In the case of non-brothers (related unrelated relatives, MUD)

Prof. Sang Sae-eu Then we want to thank the NHS for making patients who do not normally reach the stem cell transplant treatment because of the high costs of their transport. The privilege will allow patients in Thailand in the gold card system to have a better quality of life. Thank you. All patients with this benefit.

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