3 benefits of "white" if released "Ronaldo" on the "zebra"


Czech 3 The obvious advantages of "Real Madrid" if the Portuguese striker "Cristiano Ronaldo" has decided to leave the Real. "I do not know what to do," he said.

With the age of Cristiano Ronaldo has reached 33 years, even the overall form and scoring record is still at the level. Call it the best. But do not deny that if we notice. He will lose the ball easier. I'm mad. And that's the right moment. Then in the liberation of the team


During the summer of 2009, the San Francisco team, Rio Bernabuse, broke the world record at 80 million pounds by the time of Chris. Cristiano Ronaldo comes from the "Red Devils" Manchester United, who is from that day to today, for a period of nine years, he helped the team to succeed both the league and the UEFA Champions. League Especially after the three years and the sale of "zebra" Juventus for 88 million pounds (according to rumors), they are equal to 8 million pounds

3. It's time to build a new team

Over the years, the offensive line Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema may also include Gareth Bell. Well) They help the team succeed, which is enough to say that the saturation is not strange. For the first 33 years, the last 30 years and the last 28 years (but chronic pain), as well as the resignation of Cindy Zidane as a signal that it's time. Florentino Perez will have to spend money to grab a new star to add to the team, along with the names of Neymar, Keelan, Memphis and Eden Azzar. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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