3 wild boar, lung infection, improvement of symptoms Parents, masks, visits


Boar Team – Coach Pulmonary Inflammation. Waiting for 7 days of antibiotics, everyone is in good health, loved ones are close. Teams of psychologists evaluate the symptoms every day.

July 13, Thongchai Lertwillipattanapong Inspectors from the Ministry of Public Health (HE), Health Region 1, talk about progress. The symptoms of the 13 players and coaches that have recently been reported by Dr. Chaiyaphan Thanapaisal, director of Chiang Rai Hospital in Prachanukroh, are that the team of nurses and multidisciplinary doctors continues to heal and prevent diseases. Footballers, boar, academy and coach On the 8th floor of the hall, all symptoms were improved, respectively. Parents can visit by wearing a mask. Wash hands before and after the visit Group 1, 4 people were hospitalized. Since July 8, the normal symptoms are not normal fever, normal diet, regular eye examination by the ophthalmologist, the normal effect for two patients with better infected lung problems. Normal chest X-ray The blood culture was negative and no antibiotic was available for 7 days.

Dr. Thongchai stated that Group 2 was admitted to the hospital from 9 am to 4 pm C. GENERAL SYMPTOMS No symptoms of fever. Auricular examination at the ear, nasopharynx, normal for 7 days and group 3 for 5 days. Eats well Patients with mild pulmonary infection.

The third part also provides a treatment against the infection. The area of ​​the middle ear. And wait for antibiotics 7 days for psychiatric care. Everyone has good mental health. No stress or worry about past events. The psychiatric team Psychologist from Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital Provided care for patients and parents from the beginning. The assessment is closely monitored at the hospital every day. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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