Alibi Becker's words of yesterday speak of "Reds" Liverpool in the news that the Reds have moved on to Gear 5 at Shakespeare, he has joined the team ..
Foreign media reported on July 17 that "The Mirror" media in the British Isles. The words of Alibi Becker of the Roma at Liverpool "Red" Liverpool before the Reds are now working hard to catch him to join the team.
BBC News of the "Reds" Liverpool has offered 62 million pounds to Roma. In exchange for the release of Alishan to join the team
Mirror revealed the words of Alessandro to the Reds, who said of Liverpool: "Liverpool are a great team.They are fine and will do even better.
"It's nice to see that everyone loves Mohamed Salah, I have good friends like Roberto. Fermino
In addition, Ferino also mentioned his friend Alisison, "Yes, he asked me about Liverpool and I hope he'll do it." I came here, but I knew that He also had other offers.
"Sometimes I go to Liverpool to play for him. But his agent acts. It would not hurt if he moved to Liverpool. "
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