& # 39; Bee & # 39; is furious! Hope opens the house, collecting three points from the "dock"


"Shin Shin" is in extreme frenzy. Open House to do the Big Match battle. Welcome to visit "Sing Harbor" at Port FC on Sunday.

July 26, 61 Movement before the 2018 Toyota Thai League match this weekend. One of the most interesting deaths "Shin Gods." True Vice President of Bangkok United to open the house. "Sing the port" at the FC # 3 port of the table.

Before the assistant coach of the Crystal Ball game says, "The game is no one caught flat or injured.The game passed, we can win." Make everyone more confident. port Even if you find the frequency of the program.But they have time to rest.It's time to ask for a recovery.This is a good team.There are a lot of good players.We have to focus on us To keep a good game "

" Of course, this game is very important, in this case, even if the second is in our hands.The goal is to keep it.Because after us stumbled upon one .. Back to our trust and confidence

"The game is definitely different. The first match we did well. It's not easy to play both teams, but it's the one that will score first. The dock is a fan club. This game, I want the fans in Bangkok. I have a lot of joy.

On the battlefield, Abdullah. A representative from Port FC said: "In the last two games, we can win .Rest more confident.Although the program will be short.Fatigue But we will send the best players.

" The past to meet True Bangkok, the statistics are not good. It makes us very difficult at home. However, after we won 2 strokes to make the players more confident. And the more we find the team we lost, the more we need to be engaged.

This game is considered having no pressure on the team. But even more focused on this game. It's a game to win at No. 2 no less than 3 points, but we'll play well. This game is sure to be different in the first leg we lost. Although the game is not. But we miss the last time.

For a match between True and United FC, FC Port FC was defeated on Sunday, July 29 at 19:00. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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