& # 39; Big Joker & # 39; raises an online casino in China Monthly payment of 10 million.


"Big Jok" brandishing "Chiang Mai Commander" announces the arrest of Chinese gangs to open Dezhou online gambling cards through the application to China. There are 10 million baht a month, with the use of Regent 1, Sansai. […]

At 6:30 pm on July 25, Major General Surachet Ruangphan, Lieutenant Colonel Sara Sutthayanukul, Director of the Chiang Mai Police Station. Colonel Thawatchai Pongviwat Chaiyan, deputy chief of staff, went to the scene of the arrest of the online game operators through the application. The Chinese are the operators. The house is 333/180 333/179 and 333/45 in the village of Regent 1, Sansai, Chiang Mai. The arrests were made by six police officers who had been arrested.

General Surachet revealed that after being co-ordinated by the police in the People's Republic of China. The Chinese police investigation has tracked the launch of online gambling applications through Chinese operators who fled to Thailand as a gaming base in Guangzhou through the application. There are thousands of players in China. And the monthly business figure of more than ten million. And because the law in China punishes the offender in this serious case. This group escaped to rent a house in Chiang Mai. The basis for online gambling in Thailand. All victims are Chinese

Thus, during the arrest of all the accused, all the accused will be sent to China. Is there a way to increase the effect that Thais have in this online gaming operation? We also cooperate with the owner of several rental houses. If there are Chinese people or groups who are suspected of being abusive. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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