& # 39; Chakkraphong & # 39; elephant fight U-16 Must adjust the concentration. Before the hunt for ASEAN champion


The main line of the battle of the elephants U-16. All teammates emphasize. Try to focus better than ever. […] […] Posted in Uncategorized | The movement of the players "elephant battle" Thai national team under 16, which is in the collection at the Center for the development of football. Bangkok University Thonburi Before the 2018 ASEAN Championship in Indonesia

the last "Oat" Chakrapong Sansheng, a major support team. "From the recent warm-up in India, it shows that we are not one hundred percent There are many things to be corrected Many people are attached to the agency in the previous period We must also fix it Again, especially meditation It is clear that the door to India, probably a lack of concentration.It has a chance to make us. "

In addition. After the Chonburi FC also revealed that the pre-game warm up with Myanmar. "This convinced the team that everyone was ready for this game and it will be a good test before the ASEAN championship.We should learn how it develops.It's the championship

The warm-up match between Thai-16 and Myanmar-16 will take place on Monday the 23rd. This is my first article on this topic.
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