& # 39; Coach & # 39; coaches & # 39; highlight the cause & # 39; BG & # 39; attacked & pt; PT coincide & # 39; Thai League


"Coach Moo" Sri Sri, coach of Bangkok Glass FC, came out to open the team after losing the team lost 0-1 in the last league match … [19659002] July 7, the movement of "The Rabbit" BGC Raiders beat PT to coincide 0-1 FC at the three-bay stadium in the last game of the Thai league. July 7, the past. At the end of the penalty shootout of Jonathan Reese in the 18th minute, the pace of US Pong Suwan, the GFC Rabbi face Panuwat Jinta, the resident, the referee in this game. Let's continue to to play. [Nouvelles] [Nouvelles] VAR After the match, "If we do not see the RV overall, we are doing well, but do not do it." Football is measured at goal, we have a lot to do, but not at home. # 39; s infinity. Of course, it's heartbreaking. Especially the cheerleaders who encouraged us .I am responsible for the entire penalty in the penalty field is not .I do not know what it's fighting for. In fact, each problem is resolved to a point, then the player.New players to adjust to the final, but do not close the score.I will not leave the team.

The next match BGC will continue to participate in the final round of the 2018 League Cup with a visit to Nakhon Pathom United at the Sports Stadium of the Municipality of Nakhon Pathom Wednesday 11. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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