& # 39; Dave Coach & # 39; Reveals Key Elements to Help Elephants Fight U-16 Yellow Slash


"Coaching Dates" Thongchai Rungrueng Coach of the U-16 National Team. The team came out after the defeat. Malaysia 2-1 in the championship of ASEAN …

July 31 Thongchai Rungruanglert Head Coach of the Thai National Team The age of 16 is supposed to be able to do better . In the next match.

The U16 beat Malaysia 2-1 to help the team get three points in the first game.

Dutt coach said: "The speed of the game today is quite fast. Very What we need to do is slow down the game. The game slows down, it is our pace, that is, we can win the ball more and more people are doing well.We do our hard homework.And the time is long enough. Our team has a clear philosophy.And if we miss the door, our children will be punished The rules of football Meet Malaysia We do our hard homework We met them in Japan, it was under pressure only during the first 15 minutes, then again to pack. to solve this problem, and finally, they missed themselves, we can count on it, especially the situation goes from the offensive to the receiver, and you go on the offensive. again check the player's body.This victory is a good sign to reach Indre the goal of the champion group and the finalists. This game is safe.

The program of the next match of the Thai national team, the age of not more than 16 years old, will compete in the ASEAN football championship round two teams to meet the # 39, Brunei national team in the field. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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