& # 39; Don King & # 39; will win the pair of boxing & diamonds reserves & # 39; Lumphini


Don King, Kamala bassist walks in the fire Erawan diamonds are a fun couple to beat. "Muay Thai Honor Diamond Super Diamond" at the Lumpini Boxing Arena. Ramindra …

On July 21, 61 "Muaythai, Diamond Honor, Dinner" at Lumpini Ramindra Boxing Stadium, King Don King, Dr. Kamala Meets Diamond Erawan

King Don, Kamala, Reds, Reds , and eradicate the EzineArticles. Don King has the strength. The other pairs are:

Chaiyaphum won the Triple Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Yuyao Isuzu

Naka Thaipat Thaiphan

Sisaket Chaiyanokkun 3 Pratunachai

Best IQS Thanapat won the Rose Doi Prat Somchat

] Blue Diamond Delicious Pork Chops Cambodian Boxers Beat Knock 2, Tri Petchkasem Chatchanun

Hundreds of Forest Disciples Knock Knock Knock 2 Kittada Kiatchanchan

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