& # 39; Kruba Boon Chum & # 39; Maeda Vajasit, Dr.Duck Expected by the prophecy.


Direk at the coast & # 39; Former Governor of Petchabun Yan & Kruba Boonchum & # 39; is a magician I must say the district boss. Dear friends will die on the day of birth. The real fire is predicted. …

On July 8, 2561, Dr. Pattama was introduced to the former governor of Phetchabun, former Senator Nonthaburi and former chairman of the Solidarity Committee. Revealed by Kruba Boonchamp For decades.

by Dr.Duck revealed to the Thairath news team that. Around 1978, Mr. Saengsit Pornkaew was the governor of Nan Province. It is the head of Na Muen District, Mr. Chai Chaiyan is the chief of Ban Luang District. Work in the form The risk of death is accepted in the province. This is true. Named "Northern Sing" because the district is north of Nan and the nickname "Southern Tiger" because the district is south of Nan.

Dr.Duck revealed that ten years later Mr. Chai went to Sheriff Maesai's post. The most northern district of Thailand. To take the sheriff position of Betong, Yala, the most southern district of the country. This is considered strange. Because of the nickname.

One day, Rabbi Boonchoo As a faithful priest in the administrative department of Mae Sai, Mr. Chai and Mr. Chai warned. Mr. Chai's life And will die in the birthday. I'm not sure if that's the case. I do not care about the warning of Khun Boon Chu. But in the work of Mr. Chai. The faithful Khun Boon Khum. It's very uncomfortable. The words of Khun Boon Khum I tried to speak. Even Mr. I'm not sure if that's the case. They gathered to organize a birthday party for Mr. Chai at the Mae Sai District Office. And do not let go by Mr. Chai only in the district. Until the evening, they began to celebrate. Among the domestic Local Traders

until midnight The supporters cheered. Due to the birthday of Mr. Chai. The key is Mr. Chai too. Everyone starts to worry. Around midnight, debris, while Mr. Chai went to send a merchant to the car. Mr. Chai assigned the driver to return home to send him home. But after starting the car Then, not on the accelerator hit Mr. Chai before crushing to death at the age of only 42 years, to regret all parties and create a creep.

Dr. Direk at the shore told him. Personally, I have faith in Kruba Boonchum. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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