& # 39; Somkid & # 39; discusses politicians' Big Tue & # 39; take the UCR passport Go ahead – listen to the problem


& # 39; Somkid & # 39; discusses politicians' Big Tue & # 39; takes the UCR passport

Cabinet of Ministers – At 10:00 on July 13 at the House of the Government. Mr. Somkid Jutha Sripitak Deputy Prime Minister [194590010] The Official Cabinet of Ministers of Thailand (UBCR) in Ubon Ratchathani on July 23-24 may have political implications. Special I have to ask the Prime Minister of Thailand for the Prime Minister's Office. The responsibility of the province. Confirm that there is nothing negative.

Correspondents say that politicians are now ready to welcome and present their plans, Somkid said that he did not know, but that he would like to know what are the local problems. To help the government

When asked if political parties have identified this area, it must have political involvement. Deputy Prime Minister said. Political parties have a political spirit. I do not speak to the region. This is not a policy issue. if (! Is_in_tdc_iframe) {{intro}} {
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