& # 39; Supanat & # 39; reveals the feeling of having to bear the age of playing "the battle of elephants". U-19


"Supanat as the eye" pioneering stars of the "Elephant Battle" Thai national team, age of no more than 19 years old, revealed the feeling of wearing the age of playing in the series , at the age of 15 years. …

On July 4, 61, Supat Nattawit, striker of the Thai national team. Age not older than 19, indicating that there is no pressure.

Spearhead of a 15-year-old star to score his first goal in the Thai national team. "I am very happy to be able to score in the first game of the Thai U19 national team," Supawan said.

"To play for the Thai U19 I do not have any pressure.Thank you in my team, I was always encouraging.The coach told me to play the full logo of the Thai national team on the left chest. "

" To play this set is more difficult than the original.I play for the Thai U15 that I can feed or play my way.But when he It's about playing bigger, we need to study more than the coaches and brothers of the team to make us easier.It's a challenge for me. "

" This year is a good year for me, club and national teams, thanks for the help, and i repeat the fitness

"This competition, me and the brothers. Everyone was determined and very tried. We hope to do a good match with Singapore in the next game is a tough match, but we will keep the 3 points. "

For the 19-year-old football program, the ASEAN 2018 Championship will be held on July 5, 2018 at the Singapore Geological Stadium. (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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