& # 39; Tulsa & # 39; published 13 drawings of life on the boar.


"Women of Ubonratchathani Province." Siri Wattana Phanawadee. "He posted a painting. There are 13 children and the coaches live on the boar.

On July 1, 61, Ubolratana Raj Kanya women. Siri Wattana Phawadee I posted a drawing. A wild boar with 13 children and coaches living on a boar with a hatchet # Taking a boar at home Currently, 13 people are still trapped in a cave in Luang – Khun Nam Nang, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai and the message. "I want to borrow another image But to write is better.It is not pretty.

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