5 help people "Wineries – mines – submarines" in 20 years around the world.


AFP has brought together five major missions to assist people trapped in deep caves, mines and submarines around the world over the past 20 years, giving them a "new life".


  • French Explorers in 1999
    Seven explorers were trapped in deep caves in southwestern France until 10 days after the storm. Ideal for making water during the closing to the cave while. The following is a rescue operation like never before in France. Experts help to penetrate the rock wall of the cave several points to find a way to help people trapped inside.

    Finally, the rescue teams reached the seven men on November 22, 1999, piercing the walls of the cave and following the underwater trail, and found that the seven men were in a state of languor but still strong. There is also enough water and gas for two days in deep caves.

  • The Kamchatka of Russia, Russia [2005]
    Seven of the Russian submarines Priz There will be no breathing. After being trapped in a submarine for three days, the submarine sank under the sea on August 4, 2005, at a depth of 190 meters, causing concern to the Russian people on the runway. This news up close. For the last 5 years, the Kursk submarine has formed the same event. Unfortunately, the 118 crew members died due to lack of air.
    But in the end the help came to the Priz crew after the British submarine rescue robot allowed the submarine to break free and rise to the surface.
    Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the medal. Ideal for the British rescue group. And the Moscow government has announced the purchase of several submarine rescue robots from the United Kingdom. Chilean miners are trapped in underground mines at a depth of 600 meters after the closure of a landslide.

    In the beginning, all minors had to report deaths. But a 17-day survey after the landslide found the 33 signs of survivor, after which it was a rescue mission that required several attempts.

    The total duration of the imprisonment of 33 workers in the mine was nearly 70 days. Only 15 tuna canned in the diet, which must be used in an economical and equal way.
    This news has been around the world. And was created as a Hollywood movie.
    19 minors, including father and son Caught in an underground cave for 7 days in southern Peru. As of April 7, 2012

    rescue operations require a lot of effort. Because the scene is mine illegal. Unverified And the landslide fell when rescuers drilled through the ground and collapsed.

    Finally, the officers were able to help the seven workers, who were wrapped in blankets. Thick And wear a mask to avoid exposure to the eyes. Because live underground for several days without seeing the sun

    one of the survivors told reporters, while meeting his family again.

    • Chiang Rai Thailand 2018
      13 members of the football team and coach of wild boar have been missing since June 23. After traveling to Tham Luang – Khun Nam Nueng Nang Mae Sai, Chiang Rai. Then come back. Just a bike. Left football boots in front of the cave. There is also luggage and traces of children.

      All officials had to search for nearly 10 days amid heavy floods and torrential rains inside the cave.

      Many countries, such as the United States, Australia, China and the United Kingdom, have dispatched rescue personnel and experts to assist them in their search and rescue efforts.

      The search and rescue team was able to dive to find all the survivors in the evening of July 2, but there was still a major drawback to getting all the kids and coaches out of the flooded caves.

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