5 Reasons to Stop Eating Trans Fat & # 39;


Finally, Thailand has a law prohibiting the production, distribution and importation of trans fatty acids. The effect on cardiovascular disease is effective in the next 180 days, and here are five reasons why we should stop eating. "Trans fat"

1. trans fat This is due to the addition of hydrogen to the vegetable oil. Keep the semi-rigid semi-liquid temperature. Suitable for frying Continue It is used in the food industry around the world for a long time, like cream, margarine or margarine, mixed white butter in various bakeries, as well as donuts, biscuits, fried foods snacks

. To increase the level of bad fat and reduce fat in the arteries at risk of heart disease. And cerebrovascular disease. Including diabetes.

2. Development information. In 2016, the number of patients with cerebrovascular disease in Thailand was 293,463, compared to 107,246 in 2006, almost three times more.

3. The number of patients with heart disease in 2016 reached 667,410, out of 352,227 in 2006 alone.

The Top Four Countries Reducing the use of trans fats in food is in Denmark since 2003, or about 15 years ago, the result is clear. The death rate from cardiovascular disease has decreased. Compared to other countries

5, the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to eliminate trans fats in 2023 or 2066, or under 5 years, if possible. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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