8 people, wild boar team, healthy, no fever, wait seven days, parents through the glass.


Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health. Eats But also to feed the parents to visit the glass on a distance of 2 meters.

July 10 at the meeting room Sampanpuang Kaew nutrition 4th floor. Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital Dr. Jatyad Chokmangsuk, Permanent Secretary of Public Health and Director of Chiang Rai Hospital The last member of the boar team. Saved from the cavern of 8 men, the first 4 members of wild boar were 14-16 years old. The medical team is hot.

however. The results showed that two people with lung disorders. Suspected pneumonia

and then he received medical supplies. Half a day, then gradually. Adjust to the soft food. It is easy to digest and this morning the first members of the group started to adapt to normal meals. It must also regulate the digestive system. And avoid spicy or tasty foods. No problem with food and recent adaptation This morning, no fever.

The second group yesterday received 4 people in the first 12-14 years, found that body temperature is very low and people have a slow heart rate. Normal

This morning, everyone was so refreshing. Can talk, no reaction to fever, however, the medical team must also provide medical food. And evaluate the body thoroughly again. The view And nutrition And the mental state. By a psychiatrist

including waiting for the results of the blood test. This was sent to check that. Is there an emerging viral infection? The next 1-2 days will know the official

. The results of the initial summary of the 8 people are healthy, no fever, mental illness, normal vision, but the second set of members coming out this morning should also wear sunglasses. No problem. The body can help itself. And do not be affected by diving. The weight can be reduced to about 1-2 kg, but the initial symptoms are often hungry. And I want to eat something strange.

however. All must stay in the hospital for at least 7 days to take care of immunity and ensure that there is no problem with the infection. children will be able to return home to

. The first 4 members of the boar crew were allowed to visit their loved ones through the mirror. And standards for the prevention and control of diseases. [2] Gen Prayut Chun Oo visited the wild boar team yesterday, the Prime Minister followed the steps to prevent and control the disease. All children can talk to the Prime Minister. Functions (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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