9 days in the wild boar team with doctor and seals. Like the family


Crocodile bondage between 13 wild boars and doctor and seal family 9 days as a family. Children are shocked to hear the news of Sam.

On the evening of July 18 at the first press conference of the boar team of 13 people spent the program in front of Thailand. "When I sent a boar home", who has a doctorate, Loratun Chun or a doctor revealed the plan to take 13 boars out of the cave to know that the Ministry of Planning to go out. I do not think he'll take off in front of the entrance to the cave. At first, I wanted to drill holes. Which is probably safer than

. Memories of 9 days in the cave. They have to share care of each other and they have kids, so they smell the kids.

While tights in one of the seals to help take care of the child, the doctor said that in the work to continue, because Commander Seal said that otherwise, he does not must not leave. Come and they think this mission must succeed. When I see kids So hurry up to go fast. There are tests to encourage children. This fight then the fabric. Because the shirt has a gel power. There is a blanket, a sheet, a medicine, a flashlight, and all the charcoal. To distribute aluminum blankets to children, who must be covered with floors. If nothing goes wrong, he will not sleep. Because the floor of the cave. A sheet of the child was made in a setback

.The doctor said that during the cave with the doctor and the seal. Family ties Eat together Sleep together Just like children. In the wild boar team. I have the feeling that pandas love the father. I call them children. I feel good with pandan. What to do? Having a story

Sam was killed, and Dr. Sam said that he was sorry and impressed Sam, who sacrificed his life to protect the 13 wild boars, and at the beginning, knowing that he There was someone who sacrificed our lives. Everyone is shocked and very sorry. As a cause, Sam's family had to suffer. And there is a text on the board, Sergeant Sam, in the heart of the Sam family. To express my condolences Ask Sergeant Sam to stay. Thank you for the sacrifice. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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