9 weight control methods How do you do that?


Weight gain easy to know. I will not sleep. It is there that we neglect to take care of ourselves. And if we have a good way to take care of themselves. The weight control is good. The system in the body would be fine according to

today. Thai Rath lives in total 9 ways to control his weight. If you want to know how. Let's see.


Excretion is good. Do it every morning Wake up to drink a lot of water. A drink before the shower It helps to balance the body. In addition to consuming mixed drinks with cereals.


Do not drink coffee or tea, soft drinks, soft drinks, sugar if you are not feeling well at all. I can eat fresh water. And the water is sweet, it should be good.


Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details more detail Click to see more detail. The most important breakfast.

Early breakfast. If you wake up, do not eat after waking up 2 hours after waking up. Start And if you eat breakfast quickly. We see that lunch and dinner do not make us very hungry. And do not eat a lot. It will keep our weight at a constant level.


The best food I've ever eaten We know the ingredients well. How do we choose to be useful? As we use the sauce, we choose the soy sauce, it's better. What is it?

6 Vegetables 50%

Eat fruits and vegetables in all colors. Useful for the body. And a variety of benefits. Each color has different values.


Women with scales are not very well tuned. The older you get, the easier it is without knowing it. We must be close to the ladders. I do not like it if it's too long. I know I can walk on it. I weighed often.

Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Fat

unsaturated fats such as coconut milk, desserts, ice cream or butter, such as that butter I have to stop eating. Good fats in almonds, tofu, soy are very good.

9 Avoid fried foods.

Believe it's someone's favorite. To fry it's useless it's also oil, you know? If you want to eat. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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