91-year-old friend visits parents brick brick blood bath – Chase to Return – Fresh



91-year-old grandmother Visit of parents in the United States […] Posted in Uncategorized | When a group of men attacked Rodolfo Rodriguez, his 91-year-old friend was seriously injured.

The United States cause July 4 in the city of Willowbrook. California The old man was a farmer from Mexico City, visiting family members who live in the United States twice a year.

M. Erik Mendoza, the grandson, said: Your eyes are often in the neighborhood. And everyone knows you well. But this time, her eyes went through a tall black woman and a girl. Before being hit by such a woman, Brick broke his face.

"I did not do anything to her son, I just walked through And she pushed me to fight," Rodriguez said. The fact that they will steal children.

Police investigate the woman suspected. With 3-4 men who attacked. In addition, the police have no information that the suspects have been attacked.

As for the witnesses, Miss Bell, who was driving in the car. I heard a woman who denigrated that eye who said that many times. Return to the country itself. Return to Mexico In addition, Ms. Bor. Also try using the phone to record video clips.

Your family has revealed this. You have a broken eye, broken cheekbones, broken ribs and two wounds and bruises in the back and in the area.


. The victim's family opened a donation to raise funds for this eye. And Mr. Mendoza That said. I want the police to find the offender as soon as possible

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