Quietly or not? Floating Shoes at Nang Ngan Beach Spread 1 of 13


Go to the top of the page After the officer found the shoes that run off the cave at Luang Nang beach, the shoes look like one of the 13 silent lives that do not tell the media.

at 4:53 pm on July 1 rumors that. One of the shoes is similar to the shoes of one of the 13 lives. The group of wild boars flows from the cave to the sea. Journalists must go to the beach immediately. It has been confirmed by the beach staff. I found a real shoe. But not found in the Nangon Beach area. Found at Tham Luang Forest Park – Khun Nam Nang C is 2 kilometers from the mouth of the cave.

Can. Journalists went to Tham Luang Forest Park – Khun Nam Nang, and it was discovered that it is there that the shoes are found as a boy 's shoes in 13 lives, with the rank of the captain.

A few minutes later, at 4:45 pm, the reporter hears the sound of 3-4 motorcycles, driving at a speed to Tham Luang Forest Park – Khun Nam Nang. She parents of 13 clubs of living boars. Everyone has a very hasty expression.

Officials of the Royal Forestry Department – Khun Nam Nang Nuen said that the parent of this group came to check.

Less than 5 minutes later, the parents of 13 children, riding a motorcycle, leaving the Tham Luang Forest Park – Khun Nam Nang telling reporters that "there is a quick story. .

Last Reporters Do you have any questions with the governor of Chiang Rai. In the case of shoes similar to the boy's shoes, a team of thirteen boars said: "I have not received a report yet.

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