The first three meals delivered 13 lives to eat before diving!


After the Thai people and followers of the world. I need a lot! When a statement from the Governor of Chiangrai said that the England diving team and the seal of Thailand found 13 children and coaches trapped in the cave. Everyone is safe The next task is to save. Remove everyone

but it will not be easy. Must have a physical evaluation. Rejuvenate your body with supplements and teach your dive. First meal Who are the children and 13 coaches? We expect the cave to be delivered.

There is some information on some foods in the cave, such as: Power Gel Minerals Antibiotic Pain Relief

One of the major supplements Nutrients that the medical team prepares for the 13 crews of wild boars to stimulate the energy of their bodies after a famine period of up to 10 days. East Power Gel is a gel supplement. The taste is practical and easy to eat.

The body can be absorbed quickly. It has a lot of calories and energy. No need to go through the sweet taste process. Do not chew When eaten within 15 minutes, he will feel rejuvenated. There is instant power.

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What is offered to you, as well as the 13 coaches, in addition to mineral supplements and energy gel, but it is reported that there is a special food: fried glutinous rice. [Lire la suite] Space Shuttle Director of Research and Development Space Food is one of the most popular foods for children to eat. The elephant space, this food is very suitable for eating all the nutrients in more than 13 lives, it is also suitable for seal units. Worker At work, plunges forever.

(For space foods, the elephant space is a product that Thais manufacture.The price is 3 million kilograms.But if you do not use the same space.Approximately one hundred per envelope Now Thais can produce their own products.)

In addition. There are many doctors who share knowledge. Via social media channels. Let us understand each other. About providing food to help rehabilitate the 13 children in the cave with the contents that "the body of us if the lack of nutrients for a long time.Do not eat anything 10-15 days if the meal immediately.It is considered risky because the body's minerals are abnormal and dangerous.It is recommended to remove the gel.Power Gel is a nutrient.The two minerals, vitamins and energy are not too much.

For the body pay attention to the temperature.If the shirt is wet, take off the clothes and stay close to each other for warmth.Or use the emergency cover of the medical team. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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