The class teacher revealed one of the boar brothers. The conversation with British explorers Lua moved from the coast of Myanmar to speak 4 languages, learn the note 3.94 is a good person to help friends. I want to become a professional footballer.
On July 5 at 8 pm, reporters went to Ban Vieng Phan School. Mae Sai, Chiang Rai, to talk to the class teacher from Chad. One of the wild boar teams. A conversation with a British explorer. And the clip has been released so that viewers are very surprised at the ability of this child.
After the conversation with Ms. Piyarat Soon Suwan, the teacher revealed. The third or young adulterous is the Lua ethnicity. Moved from Myanmar to Thailand at the age of 6, to care for the Mother's Church. He will take care of ethnic children. Poor At the church, there is a foreign language teacher who teaches conversational skills in the church and in school, as well as the gentle, gentle, leadership sporting or scientific events will be also represented throughout the school. Good football, volleyball, running, learning at the first level of the room at level 1, the results. 3.94
"In the field of music, there are many virtuoso virtuoso virtuoso pianos Family relationship, even if it is not together But when the mother fell on Thailand I will go to All day long I want to kiss the mother Future dream I want to be a professional football player How to play football Never lacks practice And he asks for himself
For his part, Lydia Iwin , a teacher and Burmese teacher, said that Chad was good at obeying teachers.It is a good thing to teach once you remember.It's time to study it. School taught Thai, English, Chinese and Burmese, ranging from 1st to the end.
"As a teacher, I want to be joyful. I want to leave the cave soon. And thanks to the research team, all the public, private and volunteers who help you find you this time, "said Lydia.
D. C is a good thing. Have great efforts Both work and play What do you mean? Help the friends People who do not understand the lesson will help teach Good English and Myanmar love science (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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