A former star who believes that Cristiano Ronaldo has a big problem when he changes Real. Madrid, on the other hand …
The international news agency reported on July 6 that Lothar Matthias, former midfielder of the German national team Cristiano Ronaldo. The wing of the door. "White King" Real Madrid will face big problems when he moves to Italy with "zebra" Juventus
Ronaldo, 33, would be close to joining the team. Juventus with a fee of 100 million euros, which is the last of the Italian league does not suit Ronaldo.
"The style of the Italian league is not suited to Ronaldo, all players will keep an eye on him.The game is focused on the game and its speed will be reduced.But what he will not lose , it's the impulse. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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