Heavy Japan Heavy floods killed 21 people.


Japan is facing a major disaster after heavy rains There are 21 bodies in Hiroshima, Aichi, Kyoto, Hyogo, Kyoto and Shiga.

On July 7, 2061, foreign news agencies reported. Heavy rains in southwestern Japan. Causes sudden flooding and mudslides. Recent deaths of at least 15 dead and more than 50 missing have been reported. With regard to the number of missing persons, 5 families are still trapped in houses hit by landslides in Hiroshima.

In Kyoto The authorities also insisted on flood control of several dams. And ordered 250 people to evacuate to secure areas. It is reported that many roads are cut due to overburden. The soldiers rushed to bring water to the area where the water system was damaged by the floods.

Kurashiki City, Okayama, reported via social media. The heavy impact of the entire city has been drowned. The water level is likely to be higher in the first phase of the home in some areas. The people of the city are not in the house. As the authorities hasten the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people to security

while the NHK. According to information at 14:59 that floods in many provinces. There were 21 dead and 47 missing in Hiroshima, Aichi, Okayama, Hyogo, Kyoto, Shiga, died and were badly damaged. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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