"Tuberculosis" in Thailand


Prof. Dr. Attnana, Executive Director The Thai Association of Tuberculosis under the Royal patronage In the discussion. "Tuberculosis Thailand Project" as Campaign to Free Tuberculosis in Thailand The inclusion of TB Grant 2018 is another important driving force that will boost government agencies. Public hospitals and the private sector Including the public Introduce innovations for effective TB control. Innovation must be consistent with the context of the area. For example, a case study from the Chiang Mai provincial health office collaborated with the provincial TB network in Chiang Mai, which received a grant from TB Grant in 2010 and participated in a number of cases. Sectoral commitments. Proceeding aggressively from 2010 to today. He expanded the network to educate and reach the community of 469 villages out of a total of 2,066 villages. If you have ideas and methods to deploy and develop in other provinces.

Dr. Pongin Kamolwat, MD, Bureau of Tuberculosis, Department of Disease Control, said that Thailand had one of the 14 most common cases of tuberculosis in Thailand. 200,000 people / year have access to the treatment system, 60% and 12,000 deaths each year. All cases of TB and severe TB are resistant. There are approximately 4,500 medications per year. Therefore, the Ministry of Public Health has implemented intensive research to bring infected patients to treatment. Break the cycle of infection is very simple. And have a contact in the airways. Especially in high-risk groups, such as those who are overcrowded. As a prisoner HIV-infected patients and exposed groups Migrant workers who migrate For a plan of action for tuberculosis control The Cabinet (Cabinet) was introduced in five years, starting in the year 2060 -2564 to reduce the rate of 172 people / 100,000 people to 88 people / 100 thousand people, that we try to walk. According to the WHO goal, it should be reduced to less than 10 people per 100,000 population by 2578. The operation, because of the resolution passed by the Cabinet, works with all departments. Especially the Ministry of Education. To teach students to look at each other How do you know if TB is?

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