"Chanadip" resolutely fired a Sapporo led flower through the Emperor Cup.


The movement of the Sapporo Team Consoles team in the Jay League Japan with the national team team Jana Chattaphum Songkasin Thai is the second season and works. Help the United States team in the Uthai excellent in the season. 2018

July 11, 2061 at 19:00 local time faster than Thailand 2 hours. 2018 in the third round to meet the Avis team, the Fukuoka J2 League team at level 5, Fukuoka Prefecture level. I have the right to play in the AFC Champions League by this game. Jay Chattaprasongsuk also has the opportunity to align a continuous real

for the 11 teams of the # 39; team. Sodaro Sapporo on the field, with Gyeongwoon. Ryeowook, Hiroki Miyazaki (Team Captain), Daiichi

started the game as the Savior of Sapporo, who played more than the door. Take a quick lead in 12th place to Kojima Yoshi's goal, helping the J. League 1-0 team and a striker.

The second half of the team, Consolo Sapporo is also better than 59, the door to escape the shootout and Jay Beute. I did not miss the point. 2-0

Next, the 65th Consoles, Sapporo, Sapporo, the door to add the goal of the Thai player, Jay Chattaphum Songkasin to help the team to lead 3-0. This is the fourth goal of this season in the midfield of Thai players to help the J-League team to do in the J. League three previous goals and added one more goal in the game Emperor.

At the end of the 85th match, the team of Consalto Sapporo won the victory. I was 4-0 from the door of Kane's partner, final concert of the team was Inodore Sapporo beat the aunt of Switzerland Fukuoka 4-0 up to the fourth round of the Cup. Emperor Cup 2018

for the program of the Consolo Sapporo team on July 18 will return to the league in the league with the opening of the Kawasaki. 20189011] ” src=”https://scdn.line-apps.com/n/line_add_friends/btn/en.png” style=”width: 127px !important;”/>

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