I'm not sure that's a good idea


Known as the beloved heroine, the people are well rested. Ann And even if the time is past. She has never forgotten the grace of the people around her since she gave it to us today. And one of them was a young man who was a brother, who drove him ten cars every day to school.

Ann had posted an image of herself with an uncle and had written a message. "My short memory, but I love you a long time ….
asked the uncle.You know, that's where I am.
Uncle: You're Ann ( you? … From?)
Ann: And then Uncle Ann knows. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
** What ?! * Brother, are you handsome?
# The gentlemen who drive ten wheels send us every day to the school ** "

The picture has fans. I like this comment. And bless you for being healthy. Some people admire Ann as an example of gratitude. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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