The best posters & # 39; 186 million & # 39;


In the final round, predict the world

Fans to win a chance to win the 2018 World Cup with the Thairath began to enliven. Parcel to buy overestimated results. After crooked broken penny Beat England is a flip. Each post office takes advantage of sales strategies to attract the latest sales curve collapsed 186 million copies.

Fan fans are preparing to win. After the 2018 World Cup to reach the final curve and made a surprise fan, the Croatian team overturned the roaring lion of victory in the playoffs. To win the France team. Buy a postcard to attend the 2018 World Cup with overwhelming Thailand. Especially near the end of the competition. The atmosphere to buy postcards to the provinces. Full of energy at the national level. The team that won both teams is France and Croatia

in Bangkok. Reporters explore the post office. Find all posts by this user Add this message to my favorites Quote this message in an answer I sold myself quickly. Many post offices are needed to order additional postcards, such as Ploenchalai, Minburi, Rat Burana. Crocodile Post Office Open the stand for sale at the post office. The table for fans to sit down and write the results. French team pickup and Croatian team Let's put it. Mr. Sakae Ket Kaew Mr. Wanchai Bua said that the sale of postcards near the final is very good: 1,700,000 copies sold, 400,000 more withdrawn, a stamp. There are about two hundred fans, most of them talking about the France team 70% Croatian team 30%

Bangkoknoi Post Office A fan of the parade came to buy a postcard. Some people bring postcards to send, and then Mr. Poonun is still standing, Bangkok Noi said that when the team won the championship. The fans came to buy postcards to write the same results throughout the day, the quota reached 1,800,000 copies sold to nearly 100,000 copies in the last round of 5,000 buy-in and a printer.

million. Sommai Dej Uthai A 31-year-old private employee said that he was sending a postcard to Thairath newspaper every time to create his excitement. I made it the grand prize. If you do not win, then think of having fun. The French team of 500 wrote a Croatian team of 500 words to win the cash prize of 10 million if it is not rewarded, she does not regret. I bought a postcard that I only bought.

Mrs. Samor. Bodhi Pibul The chairman of Thai Post Co., Ltd. said that in the second round, fans massively interested. The number of postcards sold nationally was 186 million, the most sold regions being Bangkok and its environs, 56 million, Northeast 36 million, North 30 million, Central 28 million, East 22 million and South 14 million. Two more days should exceed the target of 220 million copies, of which 15 million are saved, and fans have sent 1 million postcards from random encounters. 60% Croatian team 40%, and again reminded that the postcards Soccer World Cup 2018 will be sent by post to the Thai Rath newspaper before 18:00 on July 14th. Taking a daily stamp of Thai postage is important by postcards, writing the words, do not scratch, strips stickers, stickers, templates, various pictures of various teachers. Do not cut the dough strictly. Otherwise (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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