State set up a 5G team. IT-PostDay IT


Go to the top of the page Set up a working group for the future of digital imaging in the digital park this year

M. Dugongviwat Pitcher, Minister of Digital Economy and Society Briefing after the Digital Administration Board for the National Council of Economic and Social Development (DEE), No. 3/2016, with General Pracha Chanchong, Deputy Prime Minister chaired the resolution. "5G Working Group for the Future" to accelerate the development of 5G system in Thailand.

The working group will be composed of representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology. A representative of the broadcast committee. Television The National Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), private sector experts and university experts. The goal is to design an economical and scalable 5G infrastructure. Private Sector

For the 5G system trial in Digital Park Sriracha is the first mission of the team to prepare the 5G for the future, it should be able to test the system in a year. In 2016, the main area of ​​use of Kasetsart University. Sriracha Campus C is a collaboration of state and private. The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for the initial costs

for the spectrum used to test the 5G system. In the first place, the NBTC proposed to use the 24000-26000 MHz frequency band in accordance with to the criteria of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU has stated that the band 3300-4200 MHz and the band 24000-29000 MHz are suitable for 5G activity. NTC urges to study the appropriate frequency to 5G activity in Thailand as soon as possible.

In addition .The board of directors also proposed a resolution .Set up "Digital Council for Economic and Social Affairs" at the meeting from the cabinet in August, with the aim of narrowing the digital divide Focus on digital private collaboration The current is also dispersed.To work together privately.The study of digital development as a guideline for gou The Digital Council will work with the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Being a corporation has the power to achieve the objectives set out in the Digital Council Act.

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