"Lan Ya Kaew Kiat Yothin" clash "Erawan White Swan" fight 7 colors.


Channel 7: Fort Diamond – Pongsiri – Lan Ya Kaew – Better Than

Blue Box Arena Samut Prakan – 7th Boxing and Stage Ratchadamnoen Sunday, July 15 (Today) Boxing to see them all three. "Chai student." Criticism to follow the following.

Boxing Thai boxing fight 3 SD Live 12.00.

seasoned Muang Thai Gym is defeated by Ramathibodi.

One Day, Prasit, Punching, Punching, Punches, Punches,

Suriyan Forensic, Boxing, Fist, Kicking, Stabbing, Knee, Knee , Kicking French kick, punches, knee shots, mental hard fight. I will win Sing Buri, Rattana Bundle, fierce punch, punch, knee, fight, hit hard, but the physical condition is less than 145 years old.

7 Muay Thai Boxing 7 live broadcast.

Kick punch, stab knees, fight, hit hard, but long extended to be defeated by Thong Poon.

Pongsiri Kiattiput, Fight the punch, stab, knee, elbow, fight, hit hard to beat throughout the title above to beat Avatar (Koban Suranarei Gym). [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] CHR city for Boxing Gym shot thrust kick Yong, punch, hit, he wrestled intelligent, but severe allergic reaction to a strong second to Fort Young old diamond. Boxing, Punching, Stabbing, Punching, Knee, Punching, Hitting, Punching, Hitting, Punching, Singha Manasak Boxing Punch punch punch Stabbing the most violent knees to beat Singh Tiger Woodpecker 126.

Pho Boonthi Boxing Warriors Punch Punch stab knee struck hard but hard to be beaten to defeat the death of Nopparat 102.

Diamonds, punches, punches, punches, punches, knees, punches, punches , violent blows to win diamonds. Wichit City Boxing, punches, stab, punches, knee, fight, hit, hit, hard, intelligent, environment happy, better to win the top of Siriluck Muay Thai. Fighting, punching, stabbing, hitting, kneeling, wrestling, hitting, hitting, hugging, but the environment is a secondary delight again from 142 to 143

Chief of Hunting [19659002] Mike S. Poolsawat will again win the boxing pleasure Sompong (Wissanu Chai) Ravi Rawi Thai. I'm not sure if that's the case. Jasmine rice will win the prosperity of the Korat Sports Authority 111 P. P.

White Jade Chef Choi won the rice seed. [StampofHighlight|Highlight|High|Highlight|TopofPage|TopofPage|TopofPage|TopofPage|TopofPage|TopofPage|TopofPage|

The King's Cup (Khun Thaworn) Rinpoche will win the Dew (Patthawan Prathom). A. Congratulations to the many deserving students of the Chef.

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