"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


The corner of stateless people. Become a man Or privileged people who are not protected by Thai law. Lack of opportunity Today, the online news team online. He was revealed by a 25-year-old girl from Shan State (TAIYU), Burma, but was born in a village in Mae Hong Son province leaving him no nationality. Thailand and Burma. And no leaf, including the parents who settled in Mae Hong Son for more than 30 years, is stateless

who has grown up a few years. Parents have moved to the job market. Work in construction in Chiang Mai, stay in shelters, workers built with zinc around. She is open to the news team. The history of the suffering of statelessness. I have not forgotten the memory of

life of opportunity. From kindergarten

"I have lived a difficult life since my childhood.I do not have kindergarten.Because no documents at all.I can not register.I do not I do not have the opportunity to learn in kindergarten only one year a quarter, then the second year because the normal age of children.The picture is memorable.I feel that I want to learn a lot, see you soon at the same age have studied together, put on a school uniform She remembers her childhood

but she was lucky enough to move to Chiang Mai and a Thai teacher there helped to attend school But she has found a barrier Opportunity But with the inevitability of destiny She works on Saturdays and Sundays Do you send a lesson And scholarships Elementary to Bachelor University of Chiang Mai, with a grade of 3.58, Faculty of Business Administration, Co Mptability, Mention Très Bien, Silver Medal

2 Important to transport in the province

Statelessness There are limits to living in many dimensions. Presence in Thai society should contact the district. To apply for a pink card or non-Thai identity card And if you must travel outside your own province. She told the news team. The process of applying for permission to leave the control zone to study in Chiang Mai. Every year, we must return to the pink map of the city of Mae Hong Son

"Please contact 1-2 days before leaving Mae Hong Son.The application to study in Chiang Mai.There is a document to be signed for a period of one year, school must go back to the New Year To go to another province I must return to the area outside Mae Hong Son He will be returned to Mae Hong Son. "

Cancel the contract.

business opportunity is limited. Can not apply to a large company. I do not have a policy to get stateless people to work. She remembered this event well. At the end of the internship Auditor And then continue to work. Through all the exams. But when the company came check the document and know that no Thai nationality. The company has canceled the agreed employment contract. That's why. Companies must be supervised by government agencies. Statelessness of Thailand makes it impossible to enter the company system.

But I am ready to part. It's hard. She said in a sad voice

but she was lucky again. I have a chance to work on the account of a partnership in Chiang Mai, despite stateless people. The working atmosphere is the same as the family. I do not care if she is of Thai nationality or not. The person who presented the opportunity. The same person who helped her from school. When he graduated, he worked. The salary is 15 000 bahts

in the work. In addition, we must return to Mae Hong Son to apply for a work permit in Chiang Mai each year. still have to apply for a work permit from the Department of Employment, Chiang Mai, who is 2 years old but in the meantime, report to the Department of Employment, Chiang Mai all the 6 months with and have a bank account. That's it says it's quite difficult. Because it requires documentation. The license leaves the zone. And work permit If you do not have the employer to certify

the right to study abroad. Free treatment in the province. Pink Card only

If you get sick, get sick What to do? She answered this question to the press team that stateless people like it. Not the right to treatment like everyone else. I have to pay all my money. But now, he is happy that the eligible Gold Card 99 can be kept free. "If you are sick, you have to go to the hospital.And do not want to waste money.I have to go back to Mae Hong Son to be a non-nationality lost my grandmother. Why and will die

The book allowed to get out of the control zone temporarily

In addition, Thai statelessness also makes its life a lack of good opportunities.The biggest thing is that can not apply for a scholarship to study abroad.It is the capital to study.For example, exchange 1 year or go to work abroad.

The only hope of A person without nationality is the acquisition of Thai nationality

with the attempt to apply for Thai nationality since the year 2556 from the recommendation of the village headman.And the teachers to l & rsquo; She quickly contacted to fill in the document. petition is filed in Mae Hong Son with a 13-digit number beginning with the number 6, which is considered in the process of registration. Up to today, almost 6 years ago, there is no sign that Thai citizenship. She is very discouraged. But it's hard to understand the process. And it takes time

I want to have the same rights as the Thais. The only hope of a person without citizenship is to obtain citizenship . I learned a bachelor's degree. At first, I understood this Thai citizenship. But know later The people without a birth certificate C is the status of the alien. If the process is over It will be a passport instead. I do not know how long it will last. Sometimes feel discouraged

She said with a small smile at the corner of her mouth through the empty voice of hope. The team of wild boars.

"I am so glad to help everyone. There is no mention of that. Of course, I would like you to follow the progress made in the process of applying for naturalization. I am glad that many adults People are turning to stateless children.As a crisis comes with opportunities.

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