Chickens – beat the championship beat 4-4.


There are many doors. The mistake of the players – both sides

The closing ceremony of the beautiful singer of the 2018 World Cup hosts a closing ceremony celebrated in a beautiful match between "France" and "Croatia". It's a good game, but it's not the case. The checkered team made two failures. I lost the chicken door. The fight was hit by the night. Last but not least, it was hard to resist, sending "France" to the FIFA World Cup. The second time in the world championship with a score of 4-2, while the chest is broken heart only second place, but it is the best work of history, while the Thai postal service accelerated. "Postcard to predict the 2018 World Cup." Warehouse 7, Thairath. It took two days to send. I started mining on July 18th by rai – more than 3,500 people a day

have gradually added to the line. For delivery of postcards, the 2018 football championship with Thairath, after the deadline for receipt at 18 hours on July 14 passed. Later on July 15 at the press office of Thai Rath. Thai Postal Co., Ltd. forwarded the 2018 World Cup postcard to the Laksi post office. Continue to warehouses 7. There are 200 factors working on the bus when the bus arrives. He weighs bags of mail containing postcards. The average is 359 copies per 1 kg, then the postcard to the pile. Then put the pickup arranged in order. The official mailing of the post office in Thailand took place on July 18th. And do not let people who are not involved in the area. At the same time, a police officer who collects and tests explosives. Special operations police With weapons detector To scan the mail bag containing all the postcards. For the safety.

Mrs. Sumon Bodhi Pibul The President of Thai Post Co., Ltd. said that he is currently carrying postcards to the Thai Rath Newspaper Office. In the first phase, Bangkok and its suburbs will be transported directly from the post office. Especially the last batch of remote areas such as Chiang Rai or 3 southern border provinces. Transportation is expected to take place between 16 and 17 July and began separating postcards on 18 July by mobilizing postal staff. And more than 3,500 students a day from the Santiraj Institute of Business Administration. Should take about 10 days to complete. At each stage, there are appointed directors. Thai Postal Service Closely monitored In order to achieve transparency, pure justice. Bad postcard I have to cut the paper itself, the pictures as well as the marks of stripes will be eliminated. The rules are fixed

kg. The Thai Post has said that postcards of the World Cup will collapse. Printed at 220 million copies. More than 15 million back-up postcards have been sold. Now 230 million unofficial postcards of the 2018 World Cup are sold. The region with the highest sales volume was Bangkok with 80 million, Northeast 39 million, North 35 million, Center 34 million, East 25 million and South 17 million.

. Number of postcards

Finally, the 2018 World Cup will be held in the final round. Finals C is like a global break. When you meet between the chicken brand – the French national team. With checkered – Croatian national team The first to enter the final. Above the expectations of the fans. But before the kick. At 9:30 pm on July 15, the closing ceremony of the 2018 World Cup was held at the Luzani Stadium stadium in Moscow, Russia. Come and have a colorful dance with special guests. The former "Ronald Doyo", famous around the world, joins the drum to have fun and have fun for the spectators of the match. Including Emanuel, President of France and wife watching the match in this appointment. As Colin Grabarka, Kitaro, the Croatian leader The atmosphere of the closing ceremony was appreciated by critics as a short, concise and beautiful closing ceremony.

Even when opening the game at 22:00, both teams opened the scoring match. And just 19 minutes into the first time that Antoine Grimmmann opened the free kick at the door, Mario Mandzukki tried to hit, but missed back into the door. Send to France to lead before 1-0, and the game is concentrated in the 27th minute, Ivan Perisian beat the free kick to the French door beautifully. The Croatian rivalry was 1-1.

But in the 36th minute, Croatia was missing again. When the Frenchman hit the ball in the penalty box to hit Perch, the referee asked the RV. Before the penalty And as Krismann The ball to the net entanglement. Made in France The score again led Croatia. Then they both take turns. It's time to finish in the first half with a score. Croatian leader 2-1

Croatia starts the match in the second half of the match to break the game in the 48th minute, his almost equalizer rival Ivan Rakicch stabbed the channel for Teatr Bisk fires a shot from Hugo Yaris to 52 minutes. The ball was hit again by the ball and Paul Pablo recovered the ball before the penalty area before the shot was fired at the door. The chickens snatched France 3-1, 64 yards back, Lucas Airdate opened to Kalei Mbpepe pulled in front of the penalty area. The French took the lead 4-1 minutes 69 from Croatia, followed by a 2-4 Frenchman Dan tried to block the Dodge Sukchish, but was not hit by the ball. Croatia then tried to open the match, but still failed to reach the top of the pool before 90 minutes. France beat Croatia 4-2 to win the World Cup and win a second time after the first 20. Last year, the crooked Croatian heart just won the championship, but it's the best job of the World Cup

. After experiencing the results of the tournament, the French president came to hug to encourage Colin. Grabar – Kitotivic Woman leader of Croatia The national team made the best of the World Cup. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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