Complete the dream wedding day at Princess Royal Larn Luang Bangkok.


กรุงเทพฯ –16 Jul – Royal Princess Hotel Larn Luang Bangkok

Royal Princess Larn Luang offers wedding and wedding packages. At a bargain price

* Pledge package (50 people) starting at only 55,000 baht

* Wedding package (130 people) Starting at, 7,102,700

when booking the flat rate. Wedding ceremony with wedding, wedding, dinner or dinner and deposit before July 15 – November 15, 2018

Get a moment !! More free of packing.

– Bring the morning ceremony from 55,000 Baht to 49,000 Baht (50 persons)

– Massage of the Sata Thai Bride

– Thai Honeymoon Massage [1 heure]

– Good of purchase worth 2,000 baht

– Upgrade for princess suite

– Free room for parents – groom and mother.

– Free of charge .. Pre Wedding Venue

– Monks' service in the morning with delivery and delivery of food to the monks

– Free of charge. Professional

For more information, call (0) 2281 3088 ext. 125

Email [email protected]

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