20 years old, Prajadhipok Institute


The Institute of King Prajadhipok was created on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of His Majesty the King. King Rama VII (King Rama VII) on November 8, 1993, this year was the 20th anniversary of the founding of the King Prajadhipok Institute. It has been celebrated throughout the year. The project is important. "Charity Walk for Hospital Project in the Desert", which organized the "20 years of the King Prajadhipok Hospital" (KPI Charity Mini Marathon) to bring revenue to hospitals in the desert and lack of equipment. Dr. Wuttisan Tanchai, Ph.D., Wittayachai Pramuk, Pramote Jetsavarangkul, led the team to join the charity campaign with the KPI Charity Mini-Marathon on September 2

Prof. Wuttisarn Tanchai Secretary The KPI revealed that the implementation of the KPI. The past is related to the academic. Disseminate knowledge on democratic development. Policy Good governance and peace More than 20 courses are available to cover all target groups. There are more than 20,000 participants in the 20-year leadership training program organized by the institute, including "20-year-old King Prajadhipok Institute, Chaiyaphum Assistant Secretary General, King Prajadhipok Institute The main objectives of this activity are: Reduce the shortage of hospital equipment in the hinterland. It also promotes good relationship between alumni and current students. To create benefits for society. In the selection of hospitals to bring income to help. We have a selection committee. Who will bring a lot of income or how much?

for King Prajadhipok's "20 Years of March and Charity Campaign" will be held on September 2nd at the Maha Chedi Bridge. Nonthaburi is divided into a 10 km mini-marathon and in 5 km race, the runners will be released at 05:30 in the first row. The Sri Boon Ya Non Hospital of Nonthaburi can apply online. www.berving.com From today until August 16, or give money. By transferring the name of the account. Walk – Charity Run For the rare hospital in the desert. Krung Thai Bank Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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