3 vaccines – 3 vaccines


Dr. Sakchai Kanchanawattana, Secretary General of the National Bureau of Sanitary Security (NHSO), said that at the meeting the meeting agreed to increase the benefits of drugs and vaccines. The National Health Insurance Fund (NTP) is a national health insurance program funded by the National Health Fund. And hemophilus influenzae type B. 2. Yarl Tigrevir To extend the protection of HIV transmission from mother to child and 3. Beviz Azimba To treat venous thrombosis in the retina

However. The three new drugs and vaccines will begin during fiscal year 2019. The increase in drug and vaccine benefits under the National Health Security System must be approved by the Subcommittee on vaccination. National Subcommittee on Responsibility for Primary Drugs and Subcategories, etc. before the presentation to the council. For approval. This is a step that engages all sectors. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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