3 new twists With the mission to conquer "4 hours": PPTVHD36


Last year, AP Honda Racing Thailand In the 4-hour race, the 4-year-old won the 4th place. To lay the foundations of the future. Follow the story in Road to Victory

  3. New Face The Mission of Conquering
3 New Face With the mission of conquering "4 Hours of Suu Kyi"

on July 27 and 29, the "4 o'clock" Sukata Rush Hour will kick off sending the Marathon at the Suzuka International Circuit. Japan C is another important mission of AP Honda Racing Team Thailand to send the team to this game. Honda has sent 3 new bikes, which are the product of Honda of Thailand. The "Cup" and the Talent Cup of Asia to experience future goals, including "BW" Varin Thongpraphat "Movie" Piyawat Prathumyot and "New" All three were happy to receive the oak. authority

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While the plant penguins, the twist, the girl who had to make a fourth place last year. But this year, unfortunately, was hurt. Turn away to serve as an assistant coach. And experience and techniques to transfer to 3 twists to deploy. This is the first of three stars. In order to experience the "film", a state of the art, one of the only Thai turning in Motorola. What serves as team leader.

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Suu Kyi is a big Asian list of 4 hours. But with the vision of the executive. To lay a solid foundation. With the occasion of new twists have the opportunity of the experience. And the continuous development. This is an important step towards future goals. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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