I do not think so. Shocked featuring Swan on the field to the team next season.


The Kop is aware of the bad news when the team's key player will be absent from the team for next season …

The international news agency announced the July 18 that "Reds" Liverpool had announced. Alex Oxlade – Chamberlain Midfielder.

In the quarter-finals of the Champions League, the injury suffered a knee injury in the semi-finals of the Champions League against Roma. Three ligaments of the knee. Knee Ligaments, Internal Ligaments and

After knee ligament surgery, he had to recover in England

and, until recently, his injury seems to have taken longer than expected. It has been revealed that the 24-year-old star could take another season to return to a fit body to return to football.

It has been revealed that Chamberlain is aware of the symptoms. This injury may have to make him stay longer one season before the final of the Champions League. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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