There are people who shudder! Birds flyer old fantasy What's going on with friends still coming out (clip)


Nopporn, actress, sexy star, mother of the industry is famous for the color chain. I will be an independent actor. The reason I want to work a variety. I do not know why. Give the same chapter. It's like that. The show opened in the One show chain on the 31st, and the hero of the girlfriend's ex-boyfriend to ask something with his friends. It's still

Is it free now?
"It's been a while now, about 2 years, we've been with him for 11 years and we think it's time, and we're getting older."

"There are a lot of scripts," he said, I spoke for a moment, but that's fine, we went to tell him that no contract is not a problem. [19659002] Before going out I asked people who came out before that, how did it go?
"This is not the case. I will follow the news. But we know that it is difficult for us. We are not out to be a heroine. Is number one so it's a risky decision that it will have a job. "

This is a way forward.We are a sexy girl but play the role of the mother?"
"Yes. We are not really ourselves, we really want to play. And then the music. We do not like the drama.

After that, how are you?
"C is happy.Thank you to all the campers who helped us.I have a problem with that.We have no chance to show more skills.We have more potential here it is as if nothing defied. "

The reason to leave the original because of less money than elsewhere.
"It's growing, depending on the case But we need to ask for more." [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Link to the message – Top of the page IP: Connected We have refused many jobs I do not want to be a leader 39; work of all. "

Do you want to hang it?
"Yet he does not have it in my blood.We are not afraid of pornography in the movie.But we are not afraid to be pretty, we We will not have any problems.

Seeing that someone contacted me to eat rice with the main money?
"I did not come for the l & # 39; to call not only to eat it. We look at "

specification as [Homme]
" as a pig of India But if there is another nation to talk to, we are open to everyone. "

Ask the fans What is the country?
" I am American Meet Thonglor We were near the road with a dozen friends, he had just arrived and saw that he was not there. there were many women. We talk to our friends, we go to the last conversation with us. I want to go online. Talk to two weeks to meet.

"We do not like men, Tech Care I hate men who lick rice Do not drive to pick up We like to drive really do not have a girlfriend I do not know what to do.

It is said that there are fans at all. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]

"I have a really small girlfriend, is not it? "Then, most of the time, almost everyone, especially the Thai men The flirtatious guy

So why did you decide to do it?
" We love the guy with the money, but it is charming, but I must say that the dollar is what it is. I'm not sure if that's the case. What are you doing? This is what is called promiscuity.

So was the old fan unfaithful to us?
"Really, I do not know what to do, I do not check the phone, I'm not proof."

Have you been caught in the bag?
"Most people do not dare to say it [Citation] I do not know what you're talking about, with us But we do not dare to tell it, we have to break up with him for a while I am going to say it

How do you know that we both know that we both know it?
"He met at work outside, we do not live. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] But it's gone. Some of them are really good. But it's hard. I will call him back. [/ QUOTE] [quote] I do not think that's a good idea. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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