"Kruba Boonchom" discussion "Dr. Parish" wanted to drive into the mound in the royal cave.


Director of the Doi Wiang Kaew Foundation reveals "Kruba Boon Chum" wants "Doctor Parade"

At 13:00 on July 20, 61 Mr. Apirak Pramulsilp, co-founder of the Chiang Rai Art Museum and director of the Doi Foundation Wiang Kaew. (Kruba Boonchom Foundation) Mr. Suthat Jarumanee, Chairman of the Doi Wiang Kaew Foundation, Mr. Pongprapa Mr. Chayanan Punyayarapong, Director of the Foundation, and his team met Kruba Boonchum at Wat Phra That Sai Muang. Tha Chak Lek By the way, I do not know what to do. The money donated to the Doi Luang Foundation was worth 11,000 baht for use in Buddhism

. Atmosphere Kruba Boonchum has created an ecstasy with the Doctor and the Board of Directors. In addition to being very happy, Kruba Boonchom had the pity to talk and smile for a long time, and Kruba Boon Chum told the doctor that I wanted to go to the cave – Khun Nam Nang, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai. I ask the doctor to take a look at the mound of the thirteenth boar. Flood to the doctor who said that the water before the drought. I'll take it.

After that, Mr. Apirak Pramulsilpa gave a drawing of Doi Nang Nok, painted the boar's day from the cave, Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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